February 22, 2011

Stairway to Viamala

In Switzerland, there's an old path, dating from roman times, which crosses the Viamala gorge. In 2005, after a previous wooden footbridge was destroyed by a landslide in 1999, a new bridge was built. It was placed in a new location, with  less posibility of falling rocks.

The bridge spans 56 meters, about 70 meter above the valley, and quite a peculiar feature: it connects places with a height difference of 22 meter. It's not only a bridge, but a staircase.

Photo from lixelle

Photo from Marco Zanoli

It's a cable stayed bridge. The wood plattform (the bridge deck) hangs from steel cables which, as you already know, deform accordingly. Its funicular (the shape the cable adopts when it deforms), together with the steep stair, give rise to a powerful structure.

General forces: the weight of the bridge is supported by the upper cables in tension.
The two main steel cables, of just 36 mm of diameter, carry the load by means of tension to the foundations located in both sides of the river. Hanging from them, smaller cables (10 mm of diameter) hold the glue-laminated larch beams. Well, not really. That wouldn't be a good idea: instead, the secondary cables (those hanging from the main cables) are attached to transversal steel beams (HEA 120), and the wood beams are layed above them. This is in order to prevent tension perpendicular to the grain to appear and... believe me, you'd rather not do that. Have a look at the technical drawing here, to see how it is built.

The bridge deck is inclined, and it pushes on its lower support (that's ok, business as usual), but it pulls from the upper support. That's a different story: the bridge's own weight is trying to drag the foundation into the river. How can you avoid that?

The forces you have to stand if you don't want everything to fall down cliff!

Moreover: the cables pull inward (that is, deep into the gorge as well!) thus, something has to be done to prevent the fall: an outward force is more than required. The foundation is responsible for that and, apart from its design (have a look at it here), it must be really heavy. Its own weight is its only tool. Actually (have a look below, at the details section), the foundation of this apparently light bridge weighs seven times more than the bridge itself. It's not what you see, but also what you don't see.

  • More information about the bridge, and pictures of the building process.
  • Location:
  • Concept: Conzett Bronzini Gartmann AG
  • Year: 2005 (built from May to August 2005)
  • Span:
    • 56 m (footbridge)
    • 95 m (main cable)
  • Materials:
    • wood
    • steel cables and profiles
    • concrete foundation
  • Weight:
    • 26 ton (bridge)
    • 192 ton (concrete foundation)

February 15, 2011

Walking on a rope

And so... how many invisible men were you able to count on our last visual test? The answer, below:

Congratulations! I guess you were for sure able to tell that there were three invisible men walking on the rope. But perhaps it wasn't that clear for the plank.

What's the difference? It's on the way they stand the loads applied to them, and on the way they deform. While the rope clearly changes its shape according  to the people walking on it, the plank doesn't do it in such a clear manner. That's why you could count three invisible men, but perhaps were not so sure about the plank.

Cables (like the rope) are so flexible that they must deform in order to carry loads. They can only resist tension, and those pulls straighten them. So, in the end, they become straight segments between the hanging loads. If a new load is added, the cable changes its shape accordingly.

Structures based on principles similar to cables are called form-active. Because they shape themselves in harmony with the loads, they're very efficient when it comes to the amount of required material. Consequently, they can be incredibly slender. But you should realize that because of that, they ask for more depth than equivalent beams, and for a deep understanding of their structural behavior. There are several beautiful and remarkable built examples based on form-active structures, like arches, and membranes (we will see some of them in future posts).

Beams (that's what the plank is) are more rigid than a cable. They're usually so rigid that you don't even notice they deform. But of course, they deform (remember this?) though in a rather different way: they curve. That's because a beam does not only stand tension, but also compression and bending moments, as well.

Most of our everyday structures are made of beams, which are section-active. Somehow, they're the opposite to form-active structures. Instead of shaping themselves according to the loads they're submitted to, they rigidly force the forces to follow their shape: there's no way out of them. There's a clear advantage to that: the same shape is able to stand a diversity of loads.

Two different points of view, two ways of achieving the same mean.

February 8, 2011

Visual perception test #04